Thursday, December 30, 2010

Notes Server using Dropbox

I have established a Notes Server for my students in DropBox, whether ur are my students or not, ur are welcome become our member. You may download / upload the notes in the DropBox server.

If you are interest to become member but have no DropBox account, kindly press on below link to register :-

Click Here

Once you register a account with DropBox, kindly email me your email (login account) for invitation. You will be invite into the Notes Server soon.

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PC Client -

Term and condition of using this Notes Server :-

- Not to corrupt / delete without valid reason of other members posted file as you are giving modifying authorized.

- Posting porn, virus, or files not related are strictly prohibited

- Members are allow invite other on joining without inform me, but I remain the right to reject / delete the invitation

Finally, have fun everyone

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Monday, November 8, 2010


Dilampirkan bersama Kupasan Mutu Jawapan (KMJ) SPM Fizik yang mana ia mengandungi maklumat tentang prestasi calon. Kupasan terhadap prestasi calon dilengkapi dengan penjelasan tentang prestasi keseluruhan, prestasi mengikut kumpulan calon dan prestasi terperinci bagi setiap soalan.

**Hakcipta bahan KMJ ini adalah milik mutlak Lembaga Peperiksaan. Sebarang bentuk penerbitan semula selain untuk tujuan pendidikan adalah tidak dibenarkan.

Oleh itu, para pelajar cubalah menggunakan sebaik mungkin maklumat yang diperolehi ini untuk memantapkan lagi mutu jawapan yang akan di jawab di dalam peperiksaan SPM nanti.

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Friday, November 5, 2010


Physics paper 3 (Q2)

1. Question based on graph, conceptual or analysing the graph.

2. Understanding the meaning for various shapes of graphs and their characteristics based on y-xis and x-axis. ( based on suitable formula)

3.Draw a smooth extrapolation line if you are asked to do so.

4. Draw a large triangle to calculate the gradient (4 x 3 larger square).
- The triangle should be on tangent line for curve graph.

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Paper 3
Section A

Question 1:

1. Test the students in using
of scientific measuring instrument and make the readings.

2.The students should know how to make reading in several type of measuring instrument without error, tabulate the data and draw a graph based on the data.

3. The students have to write the reading in correct d.p as theaccuracy of the instrument.

4. Draw a suitable graf based on the given title with the following ;
- Correct quantities and their unit on both axes
- Uniform scale at both axes
- Points plotted correctly
- Balance graph line
- Size of graph 5 x 4 larger squares

5. State relationship between variables from your graph.

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A student investigate how the extension of a spring changes with the load acting on a spring.
Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 show what happens when two different loads are hang on two identical springs.

Based on the information and the observation above:

Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian di atas:

a) State one suitable inference that can be made

Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai [1 mark]

* pesanan :

baca soalan dengan teliti dan carikan pembolehubah yang tersurat dalam maklumat yang diberi.

Contohnya pemboleh ubah boleh laras ( manipulated variable ) ialah beban load // force // mass) yang digunakan , dan pemboleh ubah bersandar ( responding variable) ialah pemanjangan spring. ( extention of spring ).

Sambungkan pemboleh ubah yang dikesan dengan kata kunci seperti

i) MV influences RV

ii) RV is influenced by MV

iii) RV depends on MV.

b) State one appropriate hypothesis for an investigation

Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai dikaji [1 mark]

* pesanan :

Tuliskan hubungan MV dengan RV .

c) With the use of apparatus such as a spring, slotted weights and other apparatus, describe an experimental framework to test your hypothesis stated in 2(b)

In your description, state clearly the following:

Menggunakan alat radas seperti spring, jisim berslot dan lain-lain radas yang sesuai, terangkan suatu rangka kerja eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis anda di 3(b).

Dalam penerangan anda, jelaskan perkara-perkara berikut

(i) The aim of the experiment

Tujuan eksperimen

* pesanan :

Gunakan kata kunci

i) to study...

ii) to investigate...

(ii) The variables in the experiment

Pembolehubah didalam eksperimen

* pesanan :

senaraikan ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah.

(iii) The list of apparatus and materials

Senarai radas dan bahan

* pesanan :

Alatan yang dicadangkan perlu disaling semula, dan pastikan alatan yang disenaraikan boleh digunakan untuk menguju MV dan RV yang anda cadangkan.


Pembaris (Meter rule ) --> mengukur panjang spring.

(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus

Susunan radas

* pesanan :

Lukiskan dan labelkan susunan radas yang berfungsi.

(v) The procedure of the experiment which include the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable.

Prosedur eksperimen termasuk kaedah mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasi dan kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerakbalas

* pesanan :

Senaraikan arahan menguju MV dan RV, dicadangkan arahan mengulangi ujikaji sebanyak 4 kali .

(vi) The way you would tabulate the data

Cara untuk menjadualkan data

* pesanan :

Lukiskan jadual berlabel dan tandakan unit kuantiti fizikal.

(vii) The way you would analyse the data

Cara untuk menganalisis data [10 marks]

Suggested answer:

a) Inference :

The pulling force influences the extension of the spring//

The length of spring is influenced by the pulling force//

Length of spring depends on the force acting on it.

b) Hypothesis:

The bigger the force , the longer the spring.//

When the force(mass) increases, the length of the spring increase


i) Aim:

To investigate the relationship between force //mass and the extension of the spring


Manipulated variable : Force, F// mass

Responding variable: Extension of spring, x

Fixed variable: Diameter// stiffness of spring/ the initial length, lo/ spring constant of spring,k

iii) List of apparatus/ materials :

Spring, pin, slotted weight, retort stand with clamp, meter rule and plasticine.

iv) Arrangement of the apparatus( with labels )


~ Method of controlling the manipulated variable :

1. Determine the initial length, lo, without any slotted weight hung to the spring.

2. Hang a slotted weight of mass 50 g, (force/weight of 0.5 N) and measure the length of the spring .

~Method of measuring the responding variable :

3. Calculate the extension of the spring, x using the formula ( length l) – (initial length, lo)

~Repeating :

4. Repeat the experiment using mass of 100g, 150g, 200g and 250g (or force, F= 1.0 N, 1,5 N, 2.0 N and 2,5 N)


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